Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marinda, survived an undiagnosed PLACENTA PERCRETA!

In October 2013 I found out that I was pregnant with my 5th child. My husband and I was very surprised but exited!

All my previous pregnancies I took in the stride. No morning sickness or symptoms of being pregnant. With this pregnancy everything was different. I had morning sickness, constant perineum pain and a painful burning sensation on my right lower abdomen. All these symptoms I contributed to being older and the fact that I had 3 previous caesareans. 

33 weeks pregnant with my beautiful children
Every 4-6 weeks I went for my regular check-ups and scans at the gynaecologist. Our baby girl was healthy and there was no problems except for the fact that she was lying in a transverse-breach position and that I had a little Placenta Previa.  

At the 35 week scan little Emilie was still in the transverse-breach position. Her delivery was booked for 12 June 2014. 

Middle May I had to stop exercising. The burning sensation on the right side of my abdomen was just to painful, especially when I had to stand up to stretch on my indoor spin-bike. 

Saturday 7 June 2014 we went to my son's bicycle race. At the race I didn't feel well. I had a headache and felt grumpy. I also had a little mucus show when I went to the restroom. From that day I had uncomfortable abdominal pains. It was not the sporadic uterine Braxton Hicks contractions. It was more like the pain you will get when your cycle starts. Constant pain that just won't subside. 

I still had a lot to do before Emilie could be born. Both my oldest children were busy with exams. I tried to rest and think the pain away. I knew that I didn't had contractions, because the pain was more constant. The Monday night I couldn't sleep. The pain was unbearable. At 4am I took a hot bath, that relieved the pain. I slept about 2 hours. At 8 I phoned my gynaecologist and talked to the nurse on call. She said something was definitely cooking. At 12 the doctor did an internal exam and said that my cervix was thinning and was booked for a caesarean at 7pm that evening. 

For some reason I was very nervous and very unlike me. I was a veteran in birthing terms! Ha-ha-ha!

My husband and I had fun taking some last photographs of me being pregnant. It also helped calm our nerves. 

Waiting in theatre for my caesarean. Not knowing what lies ahead. 
At 7:16pm Emilie was born. The doctor showed her briefly to me and she looked like an angle! She was so beautiful. 

Welcome into the world Emilie!
I saw in the reflection of the theatre lights that there was a lot of blood. I briefly looked to my right where the Paediatrician was checking Emilie out. About half a minute after she was born I lost conciousness, while my Gynaecologist was explaining what was going on. 

00:30am Wednesday 11 June 2014 while they were wheeling me off to ICU, I heard the theatre-staff briefing the ICU-staff that I had a full hysterectomy and was still receiving blood. 

I was in an incredible amount of pain, was extremely cold and was so thirsty that I couldn't even talk two words without my tongue sticking to my palate. 

I was unable to move myself. The Anaesthetist slept in the hospital just in case I started to bleed again. The following morning he told me what happened in theatre. I was resuscitated and lost more than 10 litres of blood! Due to a life threatening condition called Placenta Percreta. 

Now, I truly appreciate the importance of blood donors. Sometimes a small selfless act of kindness can save a life! 

My husband brought videos and photo's of Emilie from the maternity ward. He is the most wonderful and supportive husband I could ever asked for. 
First kiss! 
You can see the IV line in my neck where they gave the blood transfusion.
16 hours after Emilie was born, I could hold her for the first time! They moved me to a private room in ICU so that they could bring her to me. That afternoon my other children also visited me in ICU and they were all so happy to hold their new sister for the first time. 
Brother and sisters meet their little baby sister for the first time. 
The next day I was moved back to the Maternity ward. After 4 days I stood up from my bed and gave 2 steps. It was one of the toughest steps of my life.

Sweet Emilie 2 days old.

On day 6 they discovered that my right kidney was under pressure due to ureter damage. On day 8 I received a nephrostomy. It is a procedure where they put a drain into your kidney so that it does not loose its function. 
I could not breastfeed, because I was dehydrated and was heavily medicated.

Bonding time in the Maternity ward.
After 8 days I finally went home with a healthy baby and a catheter and nephrostomy still draining my bladder and right kidney. 

Finally going home after 8 days in hospital.
The supra-pubic catheter draining my bladder came out after 14 days and the nephrostomy came out 7 weeks later after a stent was placed in the ureter to keep it open.

It was a long journey to recovery, but I am really grateful that I can see my children grow up and that I am alive and well today! I am truly blessed. 

My special family!                            

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